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Spirit Thinking - Module One

Beginning work with your Spirit Thinking project, we will focus on a number of different ideas and assignments.  These begin by making sure you understand Spirit Thinking and you can completely offer the course to a client with understanding of how Spirit Thinking works.

Before beginning module one, you should have:
  • Purchased and read Spirit Thinking: Your 30 Day Guide and Workbook
  • Established your PayPal account.
  • Registered for our Newsletter

Module One:
  • The Facilitator will read and understand Spirit Thinking.
  • Be able to define and understand the following terms:
  • Natural Thinking
  • Spirit Thinking
  • Trinity of Being
  • Nature of Challenges
  • The Ten Spiritual Principles

Please write a two page paper on how Spirit Thinking includes cognitive counseling.and Spirituality.

Write a one page paper on each of the ten principles of spirituality to list

OR Write a one page review of Crossing Twice: Answers from the Source